His work and achievements:

Image of Chadwick

Chadwick was given a Nobel prize in 1935 for his discovery of the neutron In 1927 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society

James Chadwick discovered that atoms consisted not only of protons and electrons but also neutrons.

Chadwick discovered the neutron, a neutral subatomic particle that has the same mass as a proton. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom.

Nobel Prize in Physics 1935, Copley Medal 1950, Franklin Medal 1951, Hughes Medal 1932 ,IET Faraday Medal 1950 Chadwick updated the image of the image of atoms He discovered that neutrons have no charge

Chadwick is best known for his discovery of neutrons

He discovered that proton have a positive charge.

Chadwick used beryllium and discovered the existence of particles